About Us
BestX® was incorporated on 26th January 2016 in the United Kingdom to help Clients define, achieve, and record a process of Best Execution.
Driven by a myriad of new regulation, specifically MiFID2 and PRIIPs, a robust client demand emerged for analytics that would sit ‘above the market’, enabling informed decision making as to when, where, how and through what medium to execute FX deal flow in order to satisfy the new best execution obligations.
Our philosophy from the start was not just to follow the fashion for ‘big data’ – we believed instead in ‘smart data’, simple clear visualization of results that would enable busy Traders & Compliance personnel to draw actionable conclusions. We sought to differentiate from the incumbent spreadsheet-based products; instead of providing the user with a screen full of numbers, we sought to deliver fresh, clean, clear and attractive charts to communicate the output of the analytics. Of course, the data is all available, a simple click away, but the ease of workflow was our priority.
FX was built first, followed by Fixed Income, Equities and most recently Commodities and Cryptocurrencies. As with the tech stack, the BestX® Best Execution Analytics were designed and built from a clean sheet of paper. There is no ‘carry-over’ from any existing system, and the product was designed and built solely with the specificities of each asset class in mind. Whilst competitors chose to short cut their analytics by leveraging analytics for one asset class into another, we built a team of subject matter experts in each asset class, building bespoke analytics with bespoke benchmarks to satisfy the peculiarities of each asset class and their conventions.
BestX was acquired by State Street in September 2018 and is domiciled within their GlobalLink business. GlobalLink is recognized across the industry as a standalone technology services provider, alongside other State Street market utilities such as FX Connect & Fund Connect.

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